Gentle Horse Training _ Missy Wryn

I found a good way to get a horse ready under saddle. I researched a lot when I got my new horse, which is my only horse at the moment. I wanted to train her in a different way than everyone trained horses in the old days. I found these great videos of Missy Wryn. She uses horse body language with pressure and release to train her horses and establish her as the leader of the herd (she and her horse). She is really good. I used the 7 videos of her training Classy and applied it to my mare. I also used some of her other videos to get more knowledge on the way she trains horses and to see what different horses reactions might be to things. She uses an all-in-one bit-less bridle which you can buy here 

All-in-one bitless bridle

You can watch her videos here.

I tried to do everything the way she did it but some things I did not like and did it my way, is just a personal preference

At this point I can ride my horse using only a cordeo (neck strap) and nothing else. She has never tried to buck when I am riding her or even tried to kick at me even at feeding times. This training method is really good and it worked really good on my mare. Some people say it is because I spent most of her training doing groundwork that she is so comfortable with me being on her back. I think the only reason I did so much groundwork was because I was scared to get on the first time. I had some bad falls in the past from other horses.

I also only use a rope halter. I never use bits, spurs or pain to control my horse.

I hope this really helps you if you are looking to train your own horse. I do not advise training your horse if you are new to horses and don't know anything about horse herd behavior and body language between horses and how they communicate with one another. If you do take your horse to a trainer, make sure they are good trainers and do not abuse your horse when you are not around. This happens more often than you think. Also make sure that you are there when the trainer works with your horse so that you can learn how problems are fixed. 

Please go do research on what the proper way is to treat horses and how pressure and release works. Watch how horses communicate with each other and how horses challenge each other. Communication between horses are sometimes very subtle and we don't always see it. Watch how the stallion drive the mares in his herd.

Please let me know if you are having trouble with anything. I had trouble getting my horse to back up. She would just turn toward her stronger side. I found out the other side had to be developed a bit more because she was still very young and the one side was more dominant so to say. I have been using clicker training and positive reinforcement to train tricks and now I just say back and she backs up. This is a topic for another day though.

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