Fun With Manes & Tails

Here are a few things you can do with manes and tails. It's just for fun. Maybe you want your horse to look nice for a fun day at the barn or you just like to show off your handy mane and tail work, or you might want to make them look nice on the day you sell them or give them to a friend who would really love to have her own horse. Some things are a bit more difficult to do than others but it's usually fun and practice makes perfect so don't give up. 

This is so beautiful, but I have no idea how to make it... Almost looks like the fishbone braid in sections done over each other.

This one looks nice and it's not hard. Could work for long and short manes.
This is almost the same but everything comes together in the end.
This one is ended with a running braid at the bottom.
This is just a normal braid. Many people use it to help the mane grow, but if you have places where it can get stuck, leave it out rather.

This person turned the normal braids into something nice and professional.
Instead of looping, You can roll it up
This is also very nice and easy and you can do different patterns.
The running braide. Very popular with long manes. It can be done on the crest of the mane or sloping down, or even on opposite sides of the neck. Here is a link to someone doing it.

On either side.
It can even come from both sides.
Running braides can come in zig zags too, and it looks great
This is a plain running braid with a few tassels added.

I would do this to keep a long mane out of the way when riding long distances.

For show jumping you might want to do this.  

For those of you who have Fjord horses. This is so cool!!

This also works nice it you want your horse's neck to appear more rounded.

If you don't like long manes, roach it and if that's not good enough, colour it.
Or just colour it... Just make sure its fine for the horse and that they are not allergic to  anything in the colouring.


I love these colours in the tails

This would look nice for a wedding.

You can add a lot of things to your horse's tail. Just make sure it does not cut off the blood supply for the tail.

I want to try this one day
I used to do this with my horses tail. It looks very neat. It also helps the hair at
the top to grow longer. If the hairs at the top don't stay in, use a rubber band to
secure the hairs every inch or so.

I made one of these, but I did not use it for something yet.

Like this a lot. Don't know how to fasten it at the bottom though. 

Really cute!

This is from my own wedding.💓


I would love to do this, but my mare doesn't have feathers. Its more like just a bit of longer hair at the back.

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